Sunday, February 28, 2021

Monday 1st March

Hello Squirrels and a happy Monday and a happy first of the month to you! 

I hope you are ready to dive into your final week of home learning. I hope you are ready to dive into a new month. I hope you are ready to dive into Spring! Here is a Squirrel who is ready to dive into all those things and more!

I'm really glad so many of your enjoyed the super sentence videos last week. Today's super sentence video is a funny one, so you might want to get the maths done first before watching the video!

Don't forget Mr Small's PE and wellbeing Zoom this afternoon!

Have a great Monday Squirrels, 
From Miss Cartwright 

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Forest School Friday - 26th February

 Hello Squirrels,

It's good to be back. I hope you all had a nice, relaxing half term. I am delighted that we will all be back at school soon. I've started to notice more and more signs of spring. There are daffodils blooming in my garden and I have seen lots of snowdrops and crocuses around on my mine and Daphne's walks. I have also noticed blue skies and milder weather which felt delightful.

                                              ♫ Spring 

There have been some exciting developments since I was last in touch.

See our chickens before they hatch

I would like to introduce you to our feathery friends. They hatched on Sunday  21st February and will be joining us in school shortly after we return. Now is a good time to start thinking of names for chickens as we will need to name them. Please write your ideas down and send them to me.

Meet the chicks at virtual forest school here

Please keep your eyes peeled for signs of spring. Keep and eye on the weather as well. If you remember, it was only a few weeks ago that it was freezing and we had snow. Think how the weather has changed and what you enjoy about certain types of weather. How does it make you feel? Share these ideas with your grown ups and listen to what weather conditions/seasons they like and why.  

Music with Mrs McKee

Friday Singalong

Singalong Lyrics

The Smartest Giant in Town Yoga

Have a wonderful weekend Squirrels and I will see you on Monday! Love from Miss Cartwright 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Thursday 25th February

Hello Squirrels and happy Thursday to you. 

I don't know about you but I feel like this week has whizzed by really quickly! 

I'm sure you are all taking plenty of snack breaks during the day at home, but here is a squirrel reminding you to snack on fruit, veggies and healthy things (not crisps, chocolate and sweets!).

Eating healthy food and getting exercise every day will help your body and mind feel good. 

Now the weather is a little drier, why not try a bike ride somewhere?

Super Sentences

SPAG Video

SPAG Adverb Activity

Don't forget the wonderful Reverend Dove's assembly will be at 11am. I hope to see you there!

From Miss Cartwright 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Wednesday 24th February

Good morning and happy Wednesday to you Squirrels. How are you today? 

I'm going to whisper this quietly so we don't scare it away... I think Spring is finally here!! 

I'm seeing lots of beautiful snowdrops, daffodils and crocuses flowering around my village and in my garden. When I went for a walk in the sunshine yesterday, I got too hot in my coat! All of this makes me very happy indeed. 

I can't wait to do lots of outdoor learning with you when we get back to school and (hopefully) enjoy the spring sunshine. 

Warning! Today's super sentence work is quite noisy...

I hope the sun is shining where you are today Squirrels.

From Miss Cartwright 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Tuesday 23rd February

Hello Squirrels and a happy, happy Tuesday to you! 

The fantastic news is that we will all be coming back to school on Monday 8th March. I CAN'T WAIT! I am really looking forward to seeing you all in person again. I think these squirrels shows how we are all feeling right now:

I hope you enjoyed yesterday's giraffe video. Today's video is a story which I think you will enjoy. 

Have a great Tuesday Squirrels! 

From Miss Cartwright 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Monday 22nd February

Hello Squirrels! How are you? I hope you had a lovely half term. I have missed you! 

My half term was very quiet but filled with books and dog walks, which is always good. Here is a picture of Axel in his raincoat on a drizzly day:

We are hoping (a lot!) that schools will be allowed to reopen in a couple of weeks. Therefore, we will not be doing a mantle story yet. 

Instead, you will be doing your usual maths or SPAG video job and a super sentences job.

Remember, you don't need to write loads for super sentences, but you must make sure that what you do write is amazing! This means you need to do lots of careful thinking before you write and lots of careful checking once you've finished writing. 

Every day I will link a super sentences writing challenge based on a video, which will be linked in the super sentences slides. 

You can type these sentences some of the time, but please make sure you handwrite some of the sentences too. 

Remember, you must write at least 3 super sentences but you can always write more if you want to. Don't forget to check your work with your editing hat on and make sure it it truly super!

Lots of you did a great job of keeping your Doodle streaks up over half term, well done!

Remember to try to practise spellings, maths facts and Doodle little and often if you can. You must read every day 👀

Have a great Monday Squirrels. Please remember to email me if you have any questions or need advice or support. 

From Miss Cartwright 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Friday 12th February

          "Chick chick chick chick chicken... lay a little egg for me"       

                               Fabulous Friday 12th February                                                             

Hello Chickens (Squirrels),

(This picture reminds me of all of you at forest school)

A little virtual Forest School for you this week here.

I am very pleased to inform you that we (as a school) have achieved our bronze certificate from the RSPB for the wild challenges you have been doing at home. As soon as we receive the certificate I shall put it on the blog. In the meantime, give yourselves a pat on the back. A big well done from me!  

Today is the last day before half term. I do hope you have had a good 'no pens week' and that you are looking forward to a bit of a rest from all the home learning that you have been doing so well.

Well done to those of you that embraced the elements last week and went out to do your forest school session. Some great tree measuring and comparing and also some great nest spotting. 

I went for a walk on Saturday and found plenty of nests high up in some tall oak trees. I also heard a very noisy woodpecker hammering on the tree trunk which was quite lovely. Up above me, two Red Kites circled and I also recognised the song of a great tit - here is a reminder of the great tit bird song.

Although it has been a bitterly cold week I have been thinking ahead to spring... I have been thinking about the pond and how lots of you enjoy pond dipping. I am hoping to make it even better for when you return to school such as adding plants that provide oxygen which will hopefully help us discover more pond insects by creating a thriving ecosystem. 

Of course, the other very exciting bit of recent news is the soon to arrive chicks. This is where your help comes in Squirrels - together we need to learn how to look after chickens. Please have a look at the link as you will find some helpful information on it. 

Love Miss Swain and Daphne

Music with Mrs McKee

Friday Singalong

You have all worked so hard this term Squirrels (children and adults!). Thank you for having a brilliant attitude and doing your best every day, even when the going got tough. You all deserve a well earned break. 

In case you get to the middle of half term and feel a little bit bored, here are some ideas for screen-free home learning. 

Enjoy your well deserved rest Squirrels and I can't wait to catch up with you after half term!
Love from Miss Cartwright 

Thursday 11th February

Hello Squirrels and happy last-Thursday-before-half-term to you!

If you're really still and focus really carefully, I think you can actually see half term... it's almost here!

What an incredible bunch of explorers you have been this term and what amazing miniature rainforests you made yesterday! I hope you feel proud of yourselves explorers. Today you have one final job...

Remember to keep doing the four other jobs for this week (if you haven't really done them all). 

Today at 11am will be your last Zoom assembly with Reverend Dove for this half term. I hope you can make it!

Have a wonderful Thursday Squirrels! From Miss Cartwright 😊

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Wednesday 10th February

Hello Squirrels and happy last-Wednesday-before-half-term to you! 

You thought of some amazing adjectives to describe your Amazon Rainforest adventure in 3 words yesterday. I am impressed! I'm also really enjoying the creativity that you are approaching this week's work with, keep it up!

Remember to keep completing the four additional activities for this week. Find them here. Please make sure you continue to email me daily with work, even if your emails are just a summary of they day's learning. 

Have a super Wednesday Squirrels. Tomorrow there will be Reverend Dove's assembly at 11am. 
From Miss Cartwright 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Tuesday 9th February

Good morning to you Squirrels and happy last-Tuesday-before-half-term to you! 

I hope you had a fun day yesterday and enjoyed watching the snowflakes that tumbled down from the sky all day (even if they didn't settle!). 

It was great reading your emails about how you overcome the problems in the rainforest, including those cute but pesky Tamarin monkeys! 

Some of you baked to apply your maths measure work and some of you made obstacle courses that sounded like a lot of fun too. I can't wait to see what you'll get up to today!

Remember, you need to complete all four of the additional activities listed on yesterday's blog before half term. Click here to remind yourself of what these jobs are. 

Don't forget, you will need a shoe box or cereal box for tomorrow's mantle job. 

Have a great Tuesday Squirrels! From Miss Cartwright

Monday 8th February

Hello Squirrels and a happy last-Monday-before-half-term to you! I hope you had a good weekend and kept busy. 

This is the beginning of No Pens Week and none of the activities on the blog this week need you to use a pen or pencil or write anything down. There's going to be lots of drama, exploring and investigations instead. 

You will still have two jobs a day to complete. One will be a mantle chapter which will be released daily and one you can choose from the 4 activities below. You can either send me photos, videos or just explain what you got up to in an email instead. 

For Wednesday's mantle chapter you will ideally need a shoe box or large cereal box. See if you can save one from the recycling today so you've got one ready!

Please make sure you complete all of the jobs below this week. You can choose which job you tackle on each day and I've put all 4 jobs up today so that you can decide when you complete these jobs. It's okay if one job takes you longer than a day or if you complete more than one job over one day. Please make sure all 4 have been completed by half term! 

Have a great day Squirrels and let me know how you get on! From Miss Cartwright 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Friday 5th February

Hello Happy Hedgehogs and Super Squirrels

Welcome of Forest School

How has your first week of February 2021 been?

Thank you to those of you that completed the Big Bird Watch, I have submitted the results to the RSPB and together we have made even more progress towards our bronze certificate. We are over halfway now so well done! Let's see if we can complete enough challenges between us this week to achieve the bronze certificate.

Wild challenges to complete

As we have spent the last few weeks looking at and listening to birds I thought we could move on to looking at trees as these are so important to birds for many reasons. Can you think why? Not only do they provide food sources like nuts and berries but birds also like to build their nests in trees. February to August is the time of year that birds build their nests so you could start looking out on your walks to see if you can spot any birds' nests. If you do see any, please can you send me a picture? I shall be looking out on my walks and also at forest school to see if I can spot any. 

Did you know Squirrels and Hedgehogs... that squirrels actually build nests in trees? Squirrels' nests are called dreys and they look like this. They are typically built where tree branches form a fork (like a V shape)

One of my favourite activities to complete outdoors is measuring the age of a tree. Did you know you can tell how old a tree is by cutting it down and counting the number of rings on the trunk? However, as some of you know we do not want to be cutting trees down to measure them so below is another method that you can try:  


You can get a rough estimate of the age of a tree without cutting it down and counting the rings. The circumference of a tree can be used to estimate its age, as roughly a tree will increase its girth by 2.5cm in a year. So, simply measure around the trunk of the tree (the circumference) at about 1m from the ground. Make sure you measure to the nearest centimetre. Then divide the circumference by 2.5 (you may need to use a calculator to do this or ask an adult to help) to give an age in years. A tree with a 50cm circumference will therefore be about 20 years old.

Each week we usually consider the weather for various reasons. We may consider what clothing we need to wear or how the weather has made changes to our environment. I found an activity which you can do at home to observe changes in weather. You will need to find a pine cone before you can begin so you may look out for one when you go out for a walk. Where might you find a pine cone?

                                                              Pinecone weather gauge

A challenge for you squirrels (How to make a barometer). Hedgehogs, you are very welcome to try this one at home. It is a fun activity (adult support required).

I hope you have a super, duper weekend

Love from Miss Swain and Daphne

Have a brilliant and busy Friday Squirrels and a good rest over the weekend. Only one more week until half term! Love from Miss Cartwright 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Thursday 4th February

Good morning to you, my favourite type of Squirrel! 

I had such a great time zooming you all yesterday and I have really missed you! Lots of you are looking very grown up... 

I will say it again and again, you are all doing a FANTASTIC JOB! I am a very proud teacher and I hope you can keep going until half term. 

Chapter 17

Optional report writing template

**Adult Squirrels! Some children wrote very detailed notes on Tuesday about their creature that is almost a report already. Instead of writing a brand new one, please work with them to edit and improve what they have already written, focusing on spellings, openers and conjunctions. Thank you!**

SPAG video

Sorting un- and dis- worksheet

Prefix dis- word search

I will be sending any resources and follow up emails from yesterday's zoom sessions today. 

After zooming all day yesterday I went for a much needed walk and saw a beautiful sunset, which I thought you might like to see too!

Have a great Thursday Squirrels! From Miss Cartwright 

Wednesday 3rd February

 Hello to you Squirrels!

I can't wait to chat to you all on Zoom later today. There is no mantle chapter or maths video today but I have got a couple of suggestions to keep you busy when you aren't on Zoom today:

Read, read, read! 

  • Find some time to snuggle up with a good book today and really enjoy the story.

  • You might want to read on your own, read aloud to a family member, share the reading with a family member or listen to a family member read.

  • Chat about what you notice about the characters or setting description and see if you can predict what might happen next. 

  • Reading Question Prompts

  • Why not design a new front cover for your favourite book?

  • Lots of you have been keeping me updated on how you are getting on with your reading, so thank you. Please remember to let me know if you run out of books on Rising Stars (Year 2). 

Doodle, Doodle, Doodle! 
  • Keep busy on the Doodle apps. Remember there's always something new to learn on DoodleMaths, DoodleEnglish and Doodle Spell. DoodleTables will help you to practice all of your times tables maths facts. 

  • Vincent, Henry H, Arrany, Indy, Elizabeth, Izzy, Given, Callie and Hattie are all showing as achieving their daily targets and reaching the green zone across the Doodle apps. Well done!

  • Currently Foundation Stage are in the lead as the top Doodlers of the school, but Year 2 are very near to catching them up!

Spell, spell, spell!
  • Lots of you have done a great job practising your spellings so far. 

  • Have a spelling test to see how well you've done and send me the results so I can update your digital spelling list.

Maths, maths, maths!

  • Make sure you keep practising your maths facts so you know that instantly and can answer them as quickly as possible (see below this term's facts). 

See you soon Squirrels! Love Miss Cartwright 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Tuesday 2nd February

Hello Squirrels and a happy Tuesday to you. 

I hope your week is off to a good start. I'm really hoping Spring is on its way now. I spotted snowdrops when I was walking at the weekend and daffodil shoots have started to come up in my garden. 

Don't forget Reverend Dove's Zoom assembly at 11am today Squirrels. 

Have a great day! From Miss Cartwright 😊

Friday 10th December

  Hello Squirrels, The classroom is now looking very Christmassy and the excitement levels have been taken to a whole new level. That said, ...