Friday, July 17, 2020

Friday 17th July: The Final Day of Term!

Hello Squirrels and an especially big HAPPY FRIDAY to you! Of course, today is a great day because it is the last day of term. 

This school year has been a bit of a strange one, but there have still be plenty of good bits. I really enjoyed thinking about it and remembering all our mantles and good times with you yesterday. 

I have 5 important messages for you Squirrels: 

1) Have a brilliant summer holiday. 

No matter what you do or where you go, please remember to smile and have lots of fun. You deserve this time to explore, play your favourite games, see your favourite people and do your favourite things. 

2) Keep doing your really important home learning skills! 

Read everyday. Do a little maths everyday. Do a little bit of writing everyday. Spell almost everyday. Doing a little something each day will help your brain stay stretchy and strong and get you feeling super ready for September. 

3) The blogs are still here for you.

You can scroll back through previous blogs and fun activities to keep your brains and bodies busy. 

4) Try to Doodle every day!

Can you make this summer holidays your longest Doodle streak ever? Remember, going on DoodleMaths, DoodleTables, DoodleEnglish and DoodleSpell will build your Doodle streak, not to mention make your brain grow strong and ready. 

5) I miss you and I can't wait to see you in September! 

I am super proud of how well you have all tackled home learning, lockdown life and school bubbles or Zoom teaching. You are awesome and should feel proud of yourself. I am a very proud teacher of Squirrels. 

See you in September!
Lots of love from Miss Cartwright 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Thursday 16th July: The Final Thursday!

Happy Thursday Squirrels! 

What another great story filled week we have had. Today is a little bit different. 

Today is all about you and your memories of school this year. We have a PowerPoint full of your school memories on, but because it has your happy faces on it, we can't put it on the blog. Therefore, a link will be emailed to your adults (and I will be showing you it on Zoom). 

When you've had a look and a think and a smile, we will make a memory bank together. 

Then, here are some other ideas: 

Tomorrow is the final day of term, hooray! Remember to give yourselves a big pat on the back tomorrow. There will be a special, final blog post for you to read, so please do check on here tomorrow morning. 

What a fabulous class of Squirrels you have been this year! 
Love from Miss Cartwright 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Wednesday 15th July: The Final Wednesday!

Happy middle-of-the-week-day to you Squirrels! 

Squeak, I think I can see the end of term!! Look really closely, it is hidden behind Thursday and next to Friday! 

Today is a book that I really enjoy reading. You will need your super imaginations today as you are off on an epic adventure with Traction Man! 

Here are some optional (but as equally fun and exciting) tasks:

I hope your day is epic and yummy in equal measure Squirrels, 
Love from Miss Cartwright  

Monday, July 13, 2020

Tuesday 14th July: The Final Tuesday!

Good morning Squirrels and happy Tuesday to you!

Today we have another story, but this time it is a West African tale. This particular version comes from Ghana and you can watch it being told by Janina Vigurs ( by clicking on the link below.  

Here are the must do tasks related to today's story:

In the story, there is talk of the tallest tree and the snake that is (or is not) longer than a stick. Today the YR task (for reference) is to use the following language correctly:

Taller, tallest, longer, longest, shorter, shortest. 

1) Make some trees (from anything you like) and compare their height using the above vocabulary. 
2) Find some sticks and compare their length.
3) Make some snakes using paper, beads, stuffed tights, play-dough (and so on) and compare their lengths using the above terms.  

Here are some optional afternoon activities:

As always Squirrels, have a great day and I will see you tomorrow for more stories and activities!
Love from Miss Cartwright 

Monday 13th July: The Final Monday!

Hello to you, my favourite type of Squirrel. I hope you had a lovely weekend filled with sunshine. 

It feels very strange that we have made it to our final week of school of the year. I have missed end of term things like sunshine walks around the village, Sports Day and water fights at Forest School. I am sad we can't all celebrate our hard work this year together at school, but I know that wherever we are learning from, this will be a fun week. 

This week, each story will lead to a maths or literacy activity while the other suggested activities are additional ideas. There will be no maths or phonics/SPAG sessions - however, I do recommend you keep up with your maths facts and phonic/SPAG knowledge using the games and other ideas from previous blogs. The same will be happening in school!

Today is another one of Miss Nash's favourite stories:

Here are two optional activities linked to the story:

Have a great Monday Squirrels. 
Love from Miss Cartwright 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Friday 10th July

Happy Friday Squirrels!
I hope you've all had a wonderful exciting week!

Have a go at these fun activities below:

Music from the wonderful Mrs McKee:

Have a fantastic fun filled weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday!

Love from Mrs Wright, Miss Boardman and all your teachers at Whaddon!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Thursday 9th July

Hello Squirrels, I hope you are having a good Thursday already. 

We have almost finished a week of stories! Today is a new story but I think you will enjoy it very much. 

I also have another maths challenge for you today. It might bend your brains again, so I hope they are feeling stretchy! Today's top tip: draw pictorial representations to help you. 

Year 2:

How are you getting on with your daily mile challenge? Pat on the back to you if you have kept it up every day this week. That shows real endurance!

Have a great day today and a wonderful weekend Squirrels.
Love from Miss Cartwright 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Wednesday 8th July

Hello Squirrels!

It is the middle of the week already... time flies when you're having fun! Today is about to get even better because our story might be one of your favourites...

Today we are back to phonics and SPAG. Year 2, if you can bring your stories to our afternoon Zoom session it would be very helpful for our SPAG work!

Also, don't forget the daily mile challenge!

I hope this Wednesday is a good Wednesday Squirrels,
Love Miss Cartwright 

Monday, July 6, 2020

Tuesday 7th July

Happy Tuesday Squirrels. 
I hope you had a great Monday telling stories and completing the daily mile challenge. Do keep us updated on how you are completing your daily mile (it could even be done on a bike!). It's optional but a great challenge.

Today we have a story that Miss Nash taught me. I had never heard it before but now I love it and I know you will too!


Today is a maths challenge day. It is a tricky one that might make your brain ache, but I know you can do it. It will probably be easier if you print off or make some digit cards with 0-9 on. Please note that, although they appear the same, there is a difference between Year 1 and Year 2. 

Have a great day Squirrels and remember to take plenty of brain breaks if you're finding the maths tricky!

Love from Miss Cartwright 

Monday 6th July

Good morning Squirrels and happy Monday! 

First of all, Golden Awards

I hope you had a great weekend and a fun Friday celebrating the journey's end of our pirate mantle. If you haven't seen Chapter 21 yet, I highly recommend you go and have a look. It's lots of fun and a great end to 'All at Sea'! 

This week is all about one of mine and Miss Nash's favourite things: stories! Today, you are going to become story makers.

Today is a phonics and SPAG day:

Lastly, for your (optional) active challenge this week, I am setting you the Daily Mile Challenge. To complete this challenge, you need to walk or run (or hop/skip/jump) one mile every day this week! Time yourself each day - can you improve your time? Let me know how you get on!

Have a great Monday Squirrels. Love Miss Cartwright 

Friday, July 3, 2020

Friday 3rd July: Chapter 21

Greetings to you Squirrels and happy Friday!

Here it is, the chapter you've been waiting for... 5 weeks of racing around the world... the last chapter of your All at Sea adventure!

Here are wonderful Mrs McKee's lessons too:

Have a wonderful weekend Squirrels. On Monday we will try something new together!
Love from Miss Cartwright 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Thursday 2nd July: Chapter 20

Greetings and a good Thursday to you Squirrels. 

It is almost the end of another busy week! Have you been enjoying our mantle story so far this week? I can't believe we've sailed round almost every continent in the world. Incredible! You are indeed good pirates, as you told Captain Greenbeard back in Chapters 2 and 3. 

Important announcement: tomorrow there will be the final chapter of 'All at Sea'. It will not be done via Zoom and is not compulsory, but it will be lots of fun and an end to our story, so please take a look on tomorrow's blog. 

Hopefully you can remember your doubles and halves knowledge from Tuesday, as you need it again today:

Finally, an active idea for you: why not stage your very own Mini Olympics 2020? Just like you planned out on Tuesday! You could even make medals and have an award ceremony at the end. May the best person win!

Love Miss Cartwright 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Wednesday 1st July: Chapter 19

Hello and a very happy 1st of July to you Squirrels. 

I can't believe July is here already! It has been a funny old school year but strangely we've still made it to the last month of school. Luckily, we have been able to do plenty of mantle this year, which makes me very happy indeed. 

Click your brains into phonics / SPAG mode:

Finally, because it is good to take some calm time out during the middle of the week, here is some yoga with Miss Boardman for you to do. 

Have a great first-day-of-July! Love Miss Cartwright 

Friday 10th December

  Hello Squirrels, The classroom is now looking very Christmassy and the excitement levels have been taken to a whole new level. That said, ...