Friday, March 26, 2021

Weekly Update 22nd-26th March

Hello everybody! We've had a busy few weeks in Squirrels class getting back into school routines and finding our feet with lessons again. The children have been brilliant with everything that's been thrown at them and we are especially proud of them for the friendships they're making with all the Hedgehogs. After so much time in two separate bubbles, it's wonderful to see all ages mixing and playing together. 

Some of the things we've been up to over the past few weeks:


We've been all about traditional tales recently. We've learnt the story structure and key elements of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' and have had fun imagining the story from different viewpoints. The children have been busy mastering adjectives, expanded noun phrases, speech sentences with inverted commas and different verbs for 'said'. This Friday they wrote tremendous 'twisted' fairy tales based on Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We've had everything from 'Pigeon and the Three Squirrels', "The Cat and the Three Dogs' to 'Archie and the Three Gamers'. All children had incredible attitudes to their writing and amazing stamina. Some produced 2 page stories! Next week we intend to turn them into physical books with illustrations and we are hoping to visit Hedgehogs and read our new stories to them.  


This week we've been focusing on 2D shapes. Year 2 have been getting to grips with polygons, vertices, sides and lines of symmetry. Year 3 have been learning all about perimeter and how to measure it and calculate it. Everyone's done a great job. Why not go on some shape spotting walks over the weekend or challenge your child to tell you what a triangle isn't... 

Perfectly Imperfect Art

Every Thursday afternoon the Squirrels have been doing an art based wellbeing session with Miss Taylor. This is a calm time for reflection and mindfulness which the children have embraced. We've been focusing on finding positives in our drawings no matter what and challenging the mindset that finished artwork has to be 'perfect'. Abstract portraits were a lot of fun for this and we now have some super colourful artwork to hang on the walls.  

Learning about Light

We've had a science focus this week and have been exploring how we see. The children had fun sorting light sources from non-light sources (e.g. cheese, dogs, scooters) and pondering reflective objects that don't actually produce light (such as the moon). We are hoping for sunshine next week to allow us to do a shadow investigation. 

Maths facts SPLAT!

In Squirrels we're having a big push on learning our maths facts and being able to recall them INSTANTLY! We've been having regular SPLAT! battles to encourage the children to practise at home and win rounds answering questions on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables (and their matching division facts), number bonds to 10 and 20 and even the 11 times tables (by popular demand!). Please keep practising at home as maths facts really do help confidence and ability in maths lessons. If you're not sure which maths facts your child should be learning, please check the 'Maths' section of the school website or email me via the office. Remember, your child should be able to know and recall any fact within 3 seconds to know it fluently. 

Next week I will be sending out information about your child's back to school assessments and will outline what their priorities are post lockdown. As always, please contact the office or grab me after school if there is anything you need to speak to me about. 

From Miss Cartwright 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Weekly Update 8th-12th March

 Hello everybody. We are back and it has been a brilliant week! 

The children have done an amazing job with the return to school. They've been smiley, they've been kind, they've been chatty (very!) and they've settled straight back into school life. 

Miss Taylor, Mrs Wright and I are hugely proud of the way they have come back and the brilliant attitudes they've shown too. 

We've spent the time catching up with each other socially, exploring the indoor and outdoor areas again, getting used to being one whole school bubble and spending time with the Hedgehogs, and, of  course, exploring forest school in wonderful Spring sunshine. 

Each week there will be an update on here about our learning. 

A Weekend Challenge: 

Have fun and relax! Why don't you look over the past few Friday blogs and see what you and your child could get up to this weekend? After a few weeks of very hard work for you and your children, it's time to just enjoying being in each other's company. 


The children are really enjoying eating as a whole school in the hall again and supporting the Hedgehogs with lunchtime routines. If your child isn't enjoying the food they have chosen, please review the menu together. Encourage them to try new foods and think about whether they'd like to order the same, or different, meals again. 


From now on please use the office email address to communicate with me or anyone else at school, unless I ask that you should use (for example if I have set some homework, or have emailed you from that account myself). If you would like to discuss anything, please either email the office and I will make an appointment to call you, or phone the school after 3pm Monday to Thursday.

Have a wonderful weekend!

From Miss Cartwright 

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Friday 5th March Forest School

"Hello to you all and welcome to the last Friday of home learning."

I hope you enjoyed the magnificent sunshine last weekend. I really enjoyed walking outdoors without wearing a coat and feeling the warmth of the sunshine on my face. Everywhere looked so shiny and bright too. Fingers crossed that there is more sunshine on the way.

As you all know, this is our last week of home learning before we all return to school. I am very excited and looking forward to seeing you all very much! 

I have one final surprise for you all... You may remember I mentioned the sponsored walk a while ago. You all completed the walk way back in October 2020. I am delighted to show you pictures (see virtual forest school for pictures) of what the money has been used for at Forest School. As soon as we are back at school we will be able to use it. How exciting! 

I am feeling very colourful as you may be able to tell from the coloured text. I think it is the excitement of returning to school although I am feeling a little worried about everything that I need to do and remember as it has been a while since I was last there. I'm sure we can all help each other... 

Thank you to those of you that have already sent in your suggestions. Here is a list of the suggestions so far. If you need help with some ideas, click here

Here is a reminder of forest school activities you can choose to do at home

Learn parts of a bird

How to make a paper robin

How to make a paper sparrow

Edible pictures

Make a bug pot

Bark rubbing 

Magic wand


Bird identification sheet

Pinecone weather gauge

How to make a barometer

Finally, as promised... Click here for a chick update (apologies for the angle of the video)

  See you all next week!

Love from Miss Swain and Daphne

Finally, I need to say a HUGE well done and a thank you to you all for working so hard during lockdown 3.0. 

Home learning is not easy but you haven't given up. You've shown a lot of wisdom, compassion and endurance during this time and I think you've all been marvellous. Let's keep all our fingers and toes crossed that this is the last lot of home learning we ever have to do!

I can't wait to see you on Monday Squirrels! 

Remember that although you've not been in the classroom for a while, nothing has changed. It will still be as you remember it and we will still do all our usual Squirrel-y things. There will be lots of smiles and jokes and outside learning and happiness to be back. I can't wait to see you all!

Love from Miss Cartwright 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Thursday 4th March - World Book Day!

Welcome to World Book Day 2021

I am sad not to be celebrating with you this year. However, there are lots of interesting things going on. 

A good place to go is the BBC website. It has a range of ideas for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 for you to choose from. I couldn't choose from them, so I thought you could have look to see if you like the look of them! 

Here are your Whaddon World Book Day activities.

Your two (related) compulsory activities for today:

Here are some other (optional) book-based ideas to help you to have a brilliant day. 

Click here for mini-book instructions

Click here for Bringing Down the Moon

Click here for the slides.
Click here to hear Emily Gravett reading the story.

Click here for the excerpt.
Click here to have it read aloud.

Have a wonderful World Book Day!

From Miss Cartwright

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Wednesday 3rd March

 Hello to you Squirrels and a happy middle-day-of-the-week to you!

As you might have guessed, I have spent a lot of time googling squirrel pictures for the blog this week. I am delighted to say that some people have noticed that when squirrels jump and land... they often land like superheroes! Take a look and let me know if you agree:


Today's super sentences video also has a super theme...

Tomorrow is a very exciting day as it is World Book Day! Your learning will be a bit different tomorrow and will be filled with books! Stay tuned tomorrow 👀

From Miss Cartwright 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Tuesday 2nd March

Hello Squirrels and a happy Tuesday to you.

I hope your week got off to a good start with the funny round animals yesterday. It was interesting reading your ideas about whether animals should be round or not. Some of you had some very funny ideas! I asked these squirrels if they'd like to be round or not and this was their reaction:

I'm so impressed by how many of you are Doodling every day, keep up the amazing Doodle streaks!

Have a great day Squirrels and remember to email if you have any questions or need any support. 
From Miss Cartwright 

Friday 10th December

  Hello Squirrels, The classroom is now looking very Christmassy and the excitement levels have been taken to a whole new level. That said, ...