Sunday, January 31, 2021

Monday 1st February

Hello to you Squirrels and happy first day of the month! 

Part of me can't quite believe it's the beginning of February today and the other part of me thinks January felt like the longest month ever! I can't wait for Spring now. 

Chapter 15

Maths video

Maths Sequencing Worksheet

Maths challenge

Maths Challenge Card Answers

Don't forget, Zoom assembly with Reverend Dove is on Tuesday this week at 11am! 

Have a great Monday Squirrels!

From Miss Cartwright 😊 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

"Tweet Tweet"


        Welcome to Forest School - Friday 29th January

How are you all? 

I am so impressed with your exploring I must say!

Visit this week's virtual Forest School here

Thank you for sending me some amazing pictures of what you have been getting up to. It's good to see that the weather is not putting you off going out to explore nature. Some of you have been exploring nature as a family and learning together which is a superb idea. 

I have another activity for you this week. As we have been concentrating on birds recently, feeding them, identifying them, and listening out for their song I thought it would be a great opportunity to take part in a national survey. As you know, the wild activities that some of you have chosen are contributing towards achieving our first certificate in exploring nature from the RSPB. I am pleased to tell you we are halfway towards achieving our bronze certificate! So well done to all of you who have contributed. The national survey is called 'The Big Bird Watch.' Click on the link to find out how to take part

Here you can record your findings  If you do not have access to a printer, do not worry, you can just record your findings on a piece of paper. Send your results to 

I can then send the results to the RSPB. You will have done something very helpful if you decide to take part as the survey helps to identify if there are any problems in nature such as a decline in a particular species. This then allows the RSPB to help those birds that need looking after. 

Below are some more fun forest school activities to keep you busy. 

I hope you have fun Hedgehogs and Squirrels 

Bye-bye for now

Love form Miss Swain and Daphne 

                                                                        Optional fun activities

Learn parts of a bird

How to make a paper robin

How to make a paper sparrow

Matching pairs bird game

                                                                           Recipes for bird food


Crumble pastry maggots

Edible pictures



Lucky Duck story

Hello Squirrels and a happy Friday to you! 

Today is Axel's 13th birthday. In dog years, that makes him a whopping 91 years old! He still had fun in the snow at the weekend but he was also very happy to go back inside to a warm house and snuggly bed afterwards! 

Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend Squirrels! Love from Miss Cartwright 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Thursday 28th January

Hello Squirrels and a happy nearly-Friday-day to you! I hope this week has been a good one so far. 

Yesterday's mantle was left with a big of a cliff-hanger wasn't it? Don't worry, you can find out what happens now!

Chapter 14

Optional Writing Template

Maths video

Here is a measure investigation activity that I thought you might find interesting. This is completely optional and is for if you still want to do some maths after completing the task on the video.

Don't forget today's assembly with Reverend Dove at 11am!

From Miss Cartwright 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Wednesday 27th January

Hello Squirrels and a happy Wednesday to you!

The snow has now melted where I live but it was fun while it lasted wasn't it? Here are some pictures of Squirrels in the snow that made me smile. 

Lots of you had different opinions on what happened to the tapir and the jaguar yesterday. I've been learning lots about rainforest food chains too thanks to you all!

Please remember that you should be reading and practising spellings and maths facts regularly Squirrels!
From Miss Cartwright 

Monday, January 25, 2021

Tuesday 26th January

Hello Squirrels and a happy Tuesday to you. 

Did you manage to play in the snow again yesterday? I went for the most beautiful, sunny, snowy walk and it made me very happy.

I loved the crunchy sound of the snow under my boots and the way it sparkled in the sunshine. I noticed it was quite soft and powdery at first but if you made a snowball and squeezed it, it turned to hard ice! 

If you are unable to print, please write the answers down and send them to me. 

I hope you have a fun, busy and interesting Tuesday Squirrels! 
From Miss Cartwright 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Monday 25th January

Hello Squirrels and happy Monday! 

Did you have a Sunday snow day yesterday too? Isn't snow just the best thing!? I hope you were able to play outside in the snow. If you weren't, I hope you were able to snuggle up warm inside and drink hot chocolate while watching the snowflakes tumble down. I had a good snowy walk in the afternoon:

I also saw something that was even more exciting than the snow (yes, really!):

A wild otter swimming in the canal! I feel really lucky to have seen it swimming around and I'm very happy I was able to take a picture too. I've never seen an otter in the wild before and it left me with a big smile on my face. 

I hope you there is still some snow where you live Squirrels and that once you've finished your learning today you can go and play in it again. Please send us some of your snow pictures! 
From Miss Cartwright 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Friday 22nd January

Happy Friday Rangers,

Visit virtual Forest School here
How did you get on last week with experiencing and helping nature? Did you find any birds or insects?

I went for a walk in the woods on Saturday with Daphne. I heard a beautiful bird song but I wasn’t sure what type of bird it was so I used the bird song identification clip that I put on the blog last Friday and managed to identify it. I felt quite pleased as I had learned something. The song was from a bird called a great tit and this is what they look like.

This is what they sound like Great tit bird song

From the pictures that you sent me it looks as though you had a great week experiencing nature Rangers. I saw lots of pictures of birds that you spotted. Well done. Some of you made bird food and lots of you discovered huge puddles so well done to all of you who went out for a walk or completed one of the activities indoors or outside. 

This week we are going to continue working towards achieving the  ‘wild challenges’ certificate from the RSPB. As you send pictures, drawings, or descriptions of the activities you have completed, I will add these to our Whaddon Forest School profile on the RSPB website and share the progress with you so you can see how we are doing. Please choose at least one activity to complete. You can do as many as you like and as often as you like throughout the week. Be sure to let me know how you got on.
Wild challenges  (scroll down to the bottom and click on 'see all activities').

Here are a few more Forest School activities you may enjoy:
Make a bug pot
Bark rubbing 

Last but not least
Dancing squirrel - Can you dance like a squirrel?
Hibernating hedgehogs - Did you know hedgehogs are hibernating this time of year? Do you know any other animals that hibernate?

Have a fabulous weekend. 
Take care everyone,
Love from Miss Swain and Daphne 

Here are some more Friday activities to keep you busy. Please remember the music  from Mrs McKee can be accessed by the links below anytime and do not need to be watched on a Friday! Please let us know if the resources are working at home and if there is anything Mrs McKee needs to tweak before next Friday. 

Wishing you a wonderfully busy Friday and a relaxing weekend Squirrels! Love from Miss Cartwright 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Thursday 21st January

 Hello Squirrels, how are you today? 

I hope you were able to enjoy yesterday's soggy weather. Some of you have emailed saying you've been keeping busy with plenty of walks, bike rides, PE with Joe and even horse riding, which is great to hear. I had a soggy walk yesterday filled with puddles. I was pleased to see buds on trees and new plant shoots around the village where I live. Have you noticed any signs of Spring where you live? 

Don't forget that at 11am today there is a Zoom assembly with Reverend Dove. A Zoom invite was sent to you all on ParentMail yesterday. It will be great to see you there!

From Miss Cartwright 😊

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Wednesday 20th January

 Hello Squirrels and happy middle-day-of-the-week to you! 

I can see that lots of you are working on the Doodle apps everyday and reading on Rising Stars which is excellent. Well done you! Remember the Doodle apps are designed to be completed independently so tuck yourself away somewhere quiet and give them a go on your own. 

I hope you all had a lot of fun exploring a virtual rainforest yesterday. They're very noisy places aren't they!? Today you will need your most creative and imaginative brain plugged in and I encourage you to have a go at some exploring drama role play too!

(Remember to choose your level of challenge. Do not complete all of the pages for each)

Exciting news! Tomorrow there will be an assembly with Reverend Dove on Zoom. Details on Thursday's blog. 

Have a great day Squirrels. 
From Miss Cartwright 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Tuesday 19th January

Hello there squirrel-y Squirrels. I hope you had a good Monday and you're going to have an even better Tuesday. 

Here is a cheerful reminder to make sure you keep your body moving everyday, whether it's a walk, bike ride or PE with Joe. Hattie has been keeping me updated with her Mile a Day progress and she's walked or cycled a mile almost every day as part of her home learning 😄

Please remember to practise your maths facts and spellings and read everyday Squirrels. Keep me posted on how you get on today!
From Miss Cartwright 

Monday 18th January

 Hello Squirrels and a happy Monday to you! I hope you had a fun weekend filled with nice things for you and your family to do. 

It was great to see so many of you sending photos in from your forest school Friday. Year 2 are currently the top Doodle class of last week with the most children in the green zone. Well done if that's you! Can you start a 5 day Doodle streak starting today on the apps?

Top tip! Today's maths will be a great warm up for the mantle task, so I recommend completing the math's video first!

Please remember to make sure you are reading every day. Year 2, if you need more books on Rising Stars please let me know on the Whaddon teachers email. Please keep in touch with us every day and contact the school if you need more support. 

Have a great week Squirrels!

From Miss Cartwright 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Forest School with Miss Swain and Daphne

                                                                                    Friday 15th January    



Hello Ranger Squirrels.

Visit virtual Forest School here

I hope you are all well. I am so happy to be able to continue with Forest School. I hope over the next few weeks you enjoy some of the activities I put on here for you to choose from. Please feel free to send me photos or pictures of the activities you have been doing. 

Today we are going to be concentrating on the feathery animals... You guessed it, birds!

Recently I went to Forest School to top up the bird feeders with some seeds as I thought the birds might need some extra food to help keep themselves warm during the colder weather we have been having lately. Come to think of it, have you noticed what the temperature is today? I know you have been working on temperature scales this week with Miss Cartwright. There were quite a few birds there singing happily away which was nice to hear. 

I thought it would be a good idea to learn to identify some British garden birds. You can do this either in your garden, by visiting the park, or in your local community or you may be able to look out of a window at home and spot some birds. Remember to be very, very quiet if you are outside otherwise they will fly off before you have a chance to see them. 

Another way of identifying birds is by listening ever so carefully to their song. Each bird has its own song that it sings

If you wish to attract more birds into your garden you can try attracting them with some food. This time of year food such as berries and insects that birds eat is in short supply so they will be most grateful for a little extra.

Please also remember all the amazing skills that you use at Forest School: endurance, perseverance, imagination, independence, problem-solving, creative skills, and many more. You can transfer these skills and use them at home either indoors or outside. Perhaps you will make a den, this can be indoors or outside.

You could make a wand using some natural materials. A potion - foraging for your ingredients, thinking about what your potion will be used for, or a pair of binoculars that could come in handy for bird watching.

I hope you have lots of fun and I look forward to hearing and seeing what you have been up to.

What to feed birds in the winter 

Listen to bird songs

Magic wand


Bird identification sheet

Love from Miss Swain and Daphne

Here are some more Friday blog activities to keep you busy. Don't forget the creative Squirrels zoom at 11-12!

I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato

Have a brilliant Friday and a restful weekend Squirrels. I will see you on Monday for more mantle adventures! Love Miss Cartwright 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Thursday 14th January

Hello Squirrels! How are you today? 

It rained for most of the day where I live yesterday. If it was raining where you live, I hope you were able to put on some wellies and waterproofs and go puddle hunting! 

Today's mantle is full of teeth, claws, fur, feathers, scales and poison. You'd better be careful! 

I hope you have lots of fun learning about rainforest animals today Squirrels. I can't wait to see what you send me and learn about them all with you!
From Miss Cartwright 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Wednesday 13th January

Hello Squirrels and happy-middle-day-of-the-week to you! 

Thank you for sending in some marvellous weather reports yesterday and even some filmed weather broadcasts which made me smile a lot 😁 This morning it is as rainy as the Amazon rainforest where I live. 

I hope today keeps you nice and busy Squirrels!
From Miss Cartwright 

Monday, January 11, 2021

Tuesday 12th January

Good morning to you Squirrels. I hope you are bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready for more home learning! 

I was so pleased to see that you all had fun exploring temperature yesterday. 

Please remember to check in with me on the Whaddon teachers email each day. I am reading your emails daily and I will be in touch if there are any issues or immediate feedback is needed. 

Please also make sure you are reading and spelling every day. 👀

Have a great Tuesday!
From Miss Cartwright 

Monday 11th January

Hello Squirrels and happy Monday. I wish you a fun and busy week. I hope you had a good weekend. 

Mrs Davies said it was great to see so many of you on Zoom on Friday and I've seen some amazing drawings in the style of Rob Biddulph. I hope you're looking forward to another week of our mantle story!

If you haven't yet received feedback from last week's work, it will be arriving today. 

Please remember to keep reading every day and practise your maths facts and spellings. Here is a link to all of the maths facts for Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. Please begin practising Spring 1 maths facts and let me know if you have any questions. 

Have a great day Squirrels!
From Miss Cartwright

Friday, January 8, 2021

Friday 8th January

A very happy Friday to you Squirrels! 

Was it super cold, frosty and sunny where you live yesterday? It was a beautiful morning so I went for a walk in the frosty sunshine. Hopefully you can find time to do the same over the next few days, as it is supposed to stay cold. Here are a few photos from my Thursday morning walk that made me happy:

Walks outside are very good for you Squirrels. Getting your body moving makes your mind happy. Being outside in nature and (fingers crossed) sunshine makes your mind happy. Chatting and having fun with your family makes your mind happy. Try and find time to do something outside this weekend. 

Here are some optional Friday blog activities. You can also use this time to catch up on anything from earlier in the week. Mrs Davies has organised a Zoom 11am-12pm where you can do crafting/drawing activities and chat to your friends at the same time! (Apologise for the change in time - Squirrels and Hedgehogs are now having separate sessions). 

Mrs McKee's Friday music sessions will start next week.

Have a wonderful weekend Squirrels and I will see you on Monday!
Love from Miss Cartwright 

Friday 10th December

  Hello Squirrels, The classroom is now looking very Christmassy and the excitement levels have been taken to a whole new level. That said, ...