Hello Squirrels! How are you? I hope you had a lovely half term. I have missed you!
My half term was very quiet but filled with books and dog walks, which is always good. Here is a picture of Axel in his raincoat on a drizzly day:
We are hoping (a lot!) that schools will be allowed to reopen in a couple of weeks. Therefore, we will not be doing a mantle story yet.
Instead, you will be doing your usual maths or SPAG video job and a super sentences job.
Remember, you don't need to write loads for super sentences, but you must make sure that what you do write is amazing! This means you need to do lots of careful thinking before you write and lots of careful checking once you've finished writing.
Every day I will link a super sentences writing challenge based on a video, which will be linked in the super sentences slides.
You can type these sentences some of the time, but please make sure you handwrite some of the sentences too.
Remember, you must write at least 3 super sentences but you can always write more if you want to. Don't forget to check your work with your editing hat on and make sure it it truly super!
Lots of you did a great job of keeping your Doodle streaks up over half term, well done!
Remember to try to practise spellings, maths facts and Doodle little and often if you can. You must read every day 👀
Have a great Monday Squirrels. Please remember to email me if you have any questions or need advice or support.
From Miss Cartwright