Sunday, May 24, 2020

Monday 25th May and Super Squirrel Shout Outs

Hello to you, my most favourite kind of Squirrel. Happy Monday, happy bank holiday Monday and (most importantly) happy half term! 

You have worked very hard this term. Home learning is not always easy, but you've all given it your best shot and I'm very proud of you. You have earned yourself a lovely break filled with your favourite things to do. I know you aren't able to go on holiday at the moment, but you can do lots of things with your family at home that can make it feel like a holiday! 

In the May half term last year (2019), I went camping in the Lake District. My favourite day of the holiday was climbing a mountain called Sca Fell. It is the second tallest mountain in England and it took about 7 hours of walking to get from the bottom to the top and back down to the bottom again. Here are two photos of Axel on the way up and at the very top. He loves climbing mountains almost as much as me! 

This half term will be different for all of us. When I am not busy planning things for you for next term, I plan to be a lot like this Squirrel below. Of course, I will be zooming with you all on Thursday and I CAN'T WAIT! I'm so looking forward to seeing your happy faces and chatting to you. 

Here are this week's marble jars. I would also like to give an extra special mention to Archiejack and Arrany for their Doodle streaks. Archiejack has a 70 day streak and Arrany has a 48 day streak. That is amazing you two! Well done! Everyone else, if you want to give them some competition, make sure you Doodle (Maths, Tables, English or Spell) every day to build up your own streak. 

Seeing how hard you are working at home makes me a very happy teacher. Here is some of your work from this week's activities: 

Archie's money work, complete with column addition

Archiejack's money work

Arrany's bear family

George's review of the Cricket World Cup, complete with an illustration inspired by David Litchfield's drawing style.

Lots of Isla's work around 'The Bear and The Piano'. She put so much hard work into it I couldn't choose just one photo! 

Mercy's review with a very important message: "Never give up, be patient and love yourself".

Teddy's painted artwork in the style of David Litchfield

Theo's review of 'The Beast of Buckingham Palace'. I think I'm going to order a copy now so I can read it! 
Adult Squirrels: Over half term Miss Nash and I will send out information about how things will work from 1st June, when some children return to school. Blogs will now be slightly different. We will ensure that the work that happens at school is also set for the children at home. More details to follow!

Have the happiest of half terms Squirrels and I will see you all on Thursday (Zoom details to be sent out nearer the time). 
Love from Miss Cartwright 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Friday 22nd May

Good day to you Squirrels and happy Friday!

Did you know I have only just realised something very important? Half term starts today, hooray! These past 5 weeks have whizzed by quite quickly for me! You have all earned some time to rest and relax. Of course, we can't go on holiday during this time. However, here are some holiday-ish things you can do:

  • Have a picnic in your garden
  • Camp out in your garden in a tent
  • Explore a new park or walking or cycling route in your local area 
  • Send a postcard to a friend or family member 
  • Pack a suitcase as if you are going on holiday and move into another room in your house for the day 
  • Have a movie marathon day 

I have important things to tell you today my dears:

  • Friday means music with Mrs McKee:
    The lesson is here and the singalong here. 
  • It also means Forest School Friday with Miss Swain (see below)
  • My friend who lives in London sent me these pictures of a snowy white squirrel near her flat. Isn't it amazing? I've never seen a white squirrel before. It must be very good at camouflaging when it snows... 

I also have a funny story to tell you Squirrels. It is the story of 'The Escaping Sheep'. 

Once there was a ewe (female sheep) who lived in the grass field next to my house. Unfortunately, the ewe decided the grass looked greener on the other side of the fence, so she sneakily escaped and began to munch. We realised she had escaped and herded her back into her field to be with the rest of the flock. She stayed there happily overnight. 

Unfortunately, the next morning the ewe decided she'd like some juicy, green grass from the other side of the fence. Sneakily she escaped and began to munch. I was halfway through eating my breakfast when we realised the pesky ewe had escaped again. I abandoned my breakfast to herd the ewe back into her field again. We fixed what we thought was the ewe's escape route and all was well... 

Until the ewe thought decided she'd like some juicy, green grass from the other side of the fence. Sneakily she escaped and began to munch. I was halfway through eating my lunch when we realised the pesky ewe had escaped again. I abandoned my lunch to herd the ewe back into her field again. We built a barrier in front of another possible escape route. 

All was well until... can you guess the rest? I was in the middle of answering your emails when there was a knock on the door. A kind stranger had herded the ewe back from the road, where she was munching some juicy cow parsley. I abandoned my emails to herd the ewe back into her field again. I sternly told the ewe to "stay in your field" and came back inside to write this blog. I am very much hoping that pesky ewe uses her wisdom and stays in her field!

I had better finish writing this blog quickly in case that pesky ewe escapes again! Here are some activities: 

Have a happy and restful half term Squirrels. I hope you are able to do some of the things that make you happiest. I also hope I don't spend all of my half term chasing that pesky ewe! 

There won't be any blog activities next week, but you are welcome to go back through old blogs and find activities you haven't tried yet. I will still post a Super Squirrels Shout Out on Monday. Bye for now!
Love from Miss Cartwright 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Wednesday 20th May

Hello to you my lovely, munchy Squirrels. The sunshine so far this week has been wonderful, don't you agree? 
Did you know this week is Mental Health Awareness Week? Our mental health is just as important as our physical health. The number one best thing you can do to help both yours and other people's mental health is talk to them and show them you care. Ask them how they are, talk about what makes them happy, smile, tell jokes and always show compassion. 

BBC Bitesize is challenging you to show kindness in 7 different ways this week:

I hope you are enjoying The Bear and The Piano activities this week. Keep in touch and enjoy the sunshine. 
Love from Miss Cartwright 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Monday 18th May and Super Squirrel Shout Outs

Hello to you Squirrels. I hope you had a good weekend. Are you feeling ready for another week of home learning? I have heard from the weather app on my phone that it is supposed to be warm and sunshine-y this week, which I am very much looking forward to. Sunshine makes me feel like this:


I had a bit of a sad day on Saturday. My big sister should have had her wedding day but it had to be postponed. I should have been her bridesmaid and we should have celebrated with lots of friends and family. I am telling you this because it's important to know that everyone has sad days now and again. It's okay to feel sad sometimes. The most important thing is that you do things to cheer yourself up. This is what I did:
  • I had chats with my friends and family
  • I baked a delicious millionaire's salted caramel flapjack
  • I went for a sunny dog walk
  • I also did some cloud bathing in my garden whilst listening to music that makes me feel happy.
Do you remember doing cloud bathing at forest school? My cloud bathing was going well until Axel decided to sit on me! So then I had a cuddle with Axel which also cheered me up. Here is a picture of Axel cloud bathing from earlier on in the week.

Now, something that makes me a very happy teacher is your marble jars. Just look at how many of you have 18/18 marbles! I'm super proud of all of you for working so hard on your home learning. 

Here is some of your work from this week: 

Given's map of the Isle of Blowyernose

Amy's 'Dig for Victory' veggie plot plan (yum!)

Arrany's poster of Florence Nightingale, plus her illustration of her as 'The Lady with the Lamp'.

Henry W's 3D map of the Isle of Blowyernose

Indy's map and key of the Isle of Blowyernose 

Taylor's nonsense poem and dragon illustration

Isla's nonsense poem called 'The Grumpy Golfer'

Morgan's nonsense poem (the first two lines reminded me of Michael Rosen's poem 'Don't')

Stevie's not so nonsense poem about our favourite buzzy creature

Teddy's map of the Isle of Blowyernose that he cleverly tea stained to make look old 

 Vincent's materials hunting 

And so we go to this weeks' compulsory marble activities. Did you guess the story? It's my very favourite... The Bear and The Piano by David Litchfield! 

You can watch a reading of the story here. I always think you should listen to a really beautiful piece of piano music when thinking about The Bear and The Piano. I recommend The River Flows in You by Yiruma, a favourite of Miss Nash, Henry H and I. We often listen to this when we are writing in the classroom. Close your eyes and listen quietly; how does this music make you feel? 

Here are today's activities: 

 Year 1 can refer to Maths No Problem parent guides Chapter 17
Year 2 can refer to Maths No Problem parent guides Chapter 10

I hope you enjoy this week's marble tasks. As always, please send them to me by Saturday. You are also welcome to email me each task as you complete it during the week, if you prefer. 

Have a happy Monday Squirrels, 
Love from Miss Cartwright 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Friday 15th May

Greetings to you my dear Squirrels and happy Friday! 

Of course, as you know, Friday means many good things. What is your favourite thing about Friday? Do you have a favourite day of the week at the moment? Lots of my days muddle into one and I am undecided on my favourite day. 

The good news is Henry W emailed me two (yes, two!) interesting facts on Wednesday. 

(1) It is impossible to lick your elbow. I've have already tried and failed, but you're welcome to have a go. Let me know if you can!
(2) Crocodiles can't stick their tongues out. Probably that is quite wise because some people think it is rude to stick your tongue out. 

Three more happy Friday things for you: 
(1) Mrs MacKee's next music lesson and singalong.

(2) An Axel in the woods in the sunshine photo for you

Here are some Friday activities for you:

I hope you have the happiest of Fridays and weekends Squirrels. I shall see you on Monday for more marble tasks and super Squirrel shout outs. 

Next week's book is one of my favourites. The character is an animal and he travels from one place to a very different place because he is very good at something. Can you guess the story? Find out on Monday!
Love from Miss Cartwright 

Friday 10th December

  Hello Squirrels, The classroom is now looking very Christmassy and the excitement levels have been taken to a whole new level. That said, ...