Wednesday, July 14, 2021

An Unexpected Early Goodbye

Hello to all you wonderful Squirrels. 

Yesterday was a bit of a surprise. It feels very strange to have finished our final week together early and not be able to do all of the fun activities we'd got planned. While I'm sad things ended so suddenly, I'm very glad we got to have an amazing final Forest School together yesterday morning (complete with a camp fire and smores of course!). 

I feel so lucky to have been Squirrels teacher for the past two years. We've had an amazing time and learned a fair bit together along the way! I hope you all keep asking questions and finding ways to make your learning fun, whether it's at home or at school next year. 

Our Squirrel class mantles have been a very special highlight for me. We did so many but the Gruffalo mantle (Autumn term 2019), Guy Fawkes mantle (Autumn term 2020) and our current Queen Raven castles mantle have been my favourites. What were yours? 

My plan for today in school was to build Queen Raven's castle using tables, boxes, pallets and whatever else we could find around the school. Maybe you could build your own castle at home at some point this week? If you're not ready for the history/castles learning to end, take a look at school activities page of Warwick Castle's website. 

Finally, I'll leave you with some photos from our Battle of Hastings history day from last week. We had a lot of fun exploring the Bayeux Tapestry, raising questions and re-enacting both the battles between Harold Godwinson's army and Harold Hardrada's, then Harold Godwinson vs. William of Normandy's army. 

Harold Hardrada's defeated army

William, Duke of Normandy, becomes William the Conqueror and King of England!

All that is left for me to say is a huge thank you to you all, both Squirrels and parents! You've all been wonderful through two very difficult years. Squirrels, in school you have never given up and you've always had great attitudes! Parents, throughout the lockdowns, home learning and the return(s) to school you've been incredibly supportive and generally brilliant. So thank you all. 

Reports will be sent out this week along with some ideas on how to keep your child's learning ticking over during the summer. 

A ParentMail will be sent out soon with details of when we can return together at Whaddon Park and say our goodbyes properly. 

I hope you all have an amazing summer holidays and you'll return to school in September ready to learn. I won't be there but I know you'll be incredible!

Lots of love, 
Miss Cartwright 

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Friday 10th December

  Hello Squirrels, The classroom is now looking very Christmassy and the excitement levels have been taken to a whole new level. That said, ...