Welcome Super Squirrels families to the Super Squirrels class blog 2021
Red Squirrels (Yr2)
I will be updating the blog with the latest news and pictures from the Super Squirrel class. I am delighted to say that the children have settled into their new Squirrel cohort with endurance, wisdom and compassion. We have a very happy drey filled with lots of busy Squirrels.
As a class, we discussed what our expectations of each other were. The Squirrels decided that kindness, being a good friend and a smart learner were of high importance. The Squirrels have been incredibly considerate towards their friends and have had positive attitudes towards their learning. As a result of their respect towards each other and their super attitude towards their learning the children have already earned 20 virtual marbles in their virtual marble tin.
Some of the things we have been working on in the Super Squirrel class this week:
We have started out new mantle topic, 'The Ancient Old Oak Tree'
The children have all been squirreling away practising their times tables.
In maths the have been looking at place value Red Squirrels 2 digit numbers, Grey Squirrels 3 digit numbers.
We have started reading 'A Letter to Pluto' as a whole class which the chilldren are enjoying very much.
During handwriting and spellings Squirrels have been using their new posh pens.
The children have been learning about communion in R.E
and much much more...
On Monday the children's spelling booklets will be going home in their book bags. The spelling books have been updated this term. The highlighted spellings are the ones the children know. The blank ones are the ones the children need to practise. Could you please support your child/ren at home and encourage them to practise their spellings regularly. Please only concentrate on the next whole blank page. We will update booklets each term.
Thank you
You could try:
Rainbow writing
Pyramid writing
Writing backwards and forwards e.g.
The word children: nerdlihc - children
You could also try playing look, say, cover, write and check. Your child looks at the word, says the word then covers it over before having a go at writing it.
Please also remember to check the class page on the school website for maths facts to practise. There are some fun games on there.
Super Squirrels, do remember to enjoy a range of books at home as well as school.
Have a super weekend, Super Squirrels.
See you on Monday,
Miss Swain and Daphne
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