I hope you enjoyed your weekend and you're feeling ready for another week of home learning. I had a nice long dog walk on Saturday and had a lovely (socially distant) chat with some local livestock.
As some of you know, my dad is a farmer who grows crops. Across the country, our farmers are still working really hard, along with lorry drivers, shop workers, delivery drivers and many, many, many more key workers and NHS staff. It's really important we remember to be grateful and thankful for all those people who are still working hard, as well as clapping for our carers on a Thursday evening.
In case you need a bit more motivating for your home learning this week, here are the marble jar standings:
I have been very impressed with this week's home learning that you've emailed me. Here are some children's work that really caught my eye:
Bruce's volume and capacity work and his recipe for "Bruce's Bubble Potion"
Morgan's Marvellous Medicine recipe and Elizabeth's "Fizziest Medicine in Town" recipe
George's bird's eye view map and bee friendly garden flowers key
Indy's marvellous medicine recipe
Isla's and Arrany's marvellous medicine packaging
Taylor's Magic Cure recipe and Archiejack's marvellous medicine ingredients
Teddy's marvellous measuring work
This week's activities are based around another amazing book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar. You can enjoy the story, told by the author Eric Carle, here.
I love this story because it is a story of hope. It reminds me that sometimes we have to stay small and still and quiet so that something amazing can happen. Right now, we are a lot like this caterpillar because we are staying at home, but one day, when we can lave our homes and come back to school, we will be so happy and amazed to see each other! Here are your marble activities for the week:
For the Maths No Problem parent guides on time:
Year 1, textbook 1B, chapter 16; Year 2: textbook 2B, chapter 14
Year 1, textbook 1B, chapter 16; Year 2: textbook 2B, chapter 14
You can also take this time to learn about the amazing life-cycle of a butterfly, from caterpillar to cocoon. Watch a metamorphosis video here and click here for a quick video of lots of colourful caterpillars.
Lastly, Mrs Gyau-Awuah, Miss Boardman and Mrs Darnley all recommend Insectlore butterfly growing kit to watch your very own butterfly life-cycle. You can order the kits off Amazon here.
Have a very good week Squirrels. I will see you on Wednesday for lots of VE Day activities.
Love from Miss Cartwright
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