Friday, November 26, 2021

Friday 26th November


Dear Squirrels,

Happy Friday 26th November to you all...

Here is a snapshot of some of the learning that has taken place in the Squirrel class this week:

We have been learning about instruction writing using 'How to Wash an Elephant.'

The children have been learning about:
Imperative verbs ('bossy' verbs such as: scrub, wash, make, tie, spread)
Adverbs of time (such as: firstly, finally)
Subordinate conjunctions (such as: which, so, if, although)
Adverbs of manner  (such as: slowly, quickly, quietly, cautiously etc...)

Squirrels all made jam sandwiches this week. This helped the children think about importance of adverbs of time and to apply interesting vocabulary for each step in their writing. 

Working scientifically - comparative investigations
Squirrels are in the process of comparing how water is transported in plants under different conditions. Having previously identified the job of each part of the plant they are now exploring how the environment affects the transportation of water. 

Multiplication and division have been the focus in maths this half term. This week Squirrels have been looking at the inverse relationship between multiplication and division and the fact families
5 X 3 = 15 (which is commutative)
3 X 5 = 15
therefore we know that 
15 ÷ 3 = 5
15 ÷ 5 = 3

Squirrels have requested that we have a class Christmas tree this year which is a lovely idea. If, while you are sorting any decorations you happen to come across any that are surplus to requirements and you would be happy to donate them the the Squirrel class we would very much like to make our classroom Christmassy.

Thank you adult Squirrels for your continued support

With warmest wishes,  

Miss Swain and Daphne  


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Friday 10th December

  Hello Squirrels, The classroom is now looking very Christmassy and the excitement levels have been taken to a whole new level. That said, ...