Monday, April 6, 2020

Super Squirrels Shout Out #2

Good morning everyone! I hope you had a lovely weekend filled with sunshine. I am a happy teacher for two reasons this morning. Reason (1): I had a lovely sunny weekend in the garden. So did Axel...

Reason (2): So many of you have been sending me wonderful work this week and over the weekend. You're doing such a great job with your home learning and I'm feeling very proud of you all. 
Keep it up!

Shout out to all of these Squirrels for working hard this week to complete at least one of the compulsory tasks: Amy, Archiejack, Elizabeth, George, Henry H, Indy, Isla, Mercy, Millie, Stevie, Arrany, Bruce, Callie, Taylor, Teddy, Theo and Vincent. 

Marble Jars so far
Since the blogs began, I have set you 6 compulsory tasks. For every compulsory task you complete, I will put a marble in your jar. If your name isn't on the list below, you have 3 marbles or less. Why not use the Easter break to catch up on the compulsory tasks you've missed and top up your marble jar? Please email me or look through older blog posts to find out which tasks you've missed.  

Super Squirrel work from this week:

 Teddy's Turtle Poster

 Arrany's turtle habitat & Archiejack's dragon egg poster

 Mercy's turtle fact cards

 Callie's typed turtle work & Stevie's missing number problems

 Elizabeth's meadow dragon eggs (made from clay) & Isla's forest dragon egg

Vincent's 2D shape tally spotting & Theo's hatching egg 

Some activities to keep you busy over Easter (these are not compulsory):

Finally, a word on well-being: 
These last few weeks have been very strange and a little bit difficult for all of us. We have days when we feel happy and safe at home and we're enjoying not having school. We have days when we feel sad that we can't go to school, see our friends and go places. We have days when it's okay. But please remember Squirrels, this won't last forever. So, if you're having a not-so-good day, please talk to someone you love and do something that makes you happy. 

We will come back to school and be so happy to see each other again. Enjoy your family time over the Easter holidays, spend time outdoors and spend time being silly and laughing. Keep emailing me and keep facetiming/zooming your friends and family. Have a happy Easter!

Love from Miss Cartwright 

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Friday 10th December

  Hello Squirrels, The classroom is now looking very Christmassy and the excitement levels have been taken to a whole new level. That said, ...