Thursday, April 2, 2020

Super Squirrel Shout Outs

Good morning everyone and happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend and you're ready for another week of home learning. 

We begin today's blog post by celebrating all the amazing work you've been doing and sending in to me. Shout out to all of the following children for working really hard at home and sharing your work with me: Indy, Taylor, Amy, Henry W, Henry H, George, Vincent, Morgan, Bruce, Theo, Arrany, Callie, Teddy, Stevie and Isla. Give yourselves a pat on the back. I'm really proud of you. 

Here are some highlights of the work I've been emailed this week. It was really hard to choose which photos to show on the blog. If it's not your work this week, it could be next week. 

 Arrany's Andy Goldsworthy art and Bruce's compassionate poster. 

 Callie's story of Jack and the Beanstalk with a twist

 George's Spring / nature hunt & computing skills and Henry H's maths

 Stevie's rainbows with very important messages:
Keep at Home and Be Happy!

Vincent's number bonds poster and rainbow, all rolled into one!

Here's some work I was really pleased to be told about:
  • Henry W and his brother went out clapping for the NHS last week, then had a big, long chat with their mummy about compassion and being grateful. 
  • George is researching countries around the world. So far he has learnt about Australia and Bangladesh. He has also sent me photos of him signing his name. 
  • Morgan practised typing skills to write his version of Jack and the Beanstalk with a twist. 
  • Vincent has been learning how to knit with his mummy and now his toys have a lovely new blanket. 
  • Teddy, Arrany and Taylor have been practising money, making shops at home and even pricing up shopping lists. 
  • Amy made a cupcake machine and created posters to advertise what flavours of cupcake the machine makes and how much they cost. 
Please do keep sending in your emails and photos. I really enjoy reading them. I am missing school and seeing you all very much, but the emails are good fun too. 

Today's blog post with new activities will be on a little later.

In the mean time, here is a tongue twister:

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck,
If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would,
if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Love from Miss Cartwright 

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Friday 10th December

  Hello Squirrels, The classroom is now looking very Christmassy and the excitement levels have been taken to a whole new level. That said, ...