Happy Half Term
Dear Super Squirrels,
I hope you have enjoyed this half term as much as Daphne and I have. The things I have enjoyed are:
. Getting to know you
.Teaching you
.Listening to your stories and ideas
.Mantel - The Ancient Oak Tree and Scaredy Squirrel
.Forest School
The things Daphne has enjoyed:
.Attention from all of you
.Ear strokes.
.When you talk to her
We have had a very busy half term. You should all be incredibly proud of yourselves. I am proud of all of you!
I will be sending home updated spelling booklets on Friday. Please just focus on five spellings at a time. Master these spellings and make sure you are able to apply them in a sentence before moving on to the next five. Everyone has progressed in their spellings. Keep up the good work. Well done and keep practising!
Keep reading... Please do share the books you have been reading at home. It would be good to have some recommendations - so if you have enjoyed reading a particular book and would like share what you enjoyed about it, please do bring it in when you have finished reading it.
Maths facts - ongoing practise of maths facts will always help your learning. Fluency of maths facts will enable you to learn new concepts. All the maths facts are on the Squirrels class page on the school website.
You may like to keep a diary or a scrap book of your the things you do during half term. If you do and you would like to share it to the class, please bring it with you when we return to school.
Wishing you and your families a very happy half term. Daphne and I will look forward to seeing you all in November!
From Miss Swain and Daphne
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